I'm in business school! At Georgetown University. And I love it. A few highlights and lowlights:
- The PEOPLE! Are fabulous. For the most part. There are, of course, a few self-serving and -centered ones, but for the most part, they are spectacular. Their interests and backgrounds are wonderfully diverse, and they are kind and caring and want to change the world.
- The professors are equally spectacular. Wow, they are so personal and willing (almost anxious) to help. They are brilliant and know their stuff. There is one blatant exception. I will not name names.
- The facilities. We have a brand new building. That has natural light. Tons of it.
- I'm almost sad to admit this, but I like Accounting now. And am good at it. What is happening with the world?
- I also love Organizational Behavior and Management Communication (separate classes). Less surprising.
- Low point: 3 weeks ago, we had 2 midterms, 2 group papers, and one individual paper due. 'Nuff said.
- Dan's job is awesome and is giving him great training.
- We went to Mobile, AL this past weekend for a wedding. It was oh so lovely.
- I'm going to Minneapolis this weekend for a career conference.
- I'm going to Philadelphia/NYC at the end of the month for another career thing. And may need to go to Anaheim. October = travel, apparently.
*Who am I kidding? I totally wrote/spoke/ate/breathed bullets well before business school.