Today, sir, you are one week old. I know that doesn't seem like a very long time. And really, it's not - that time has flown by. And yet, it seems like you've been with us forever. In these few short days, you've already been such a joy to our family.
It is still a little amazing to me that your little body, though tiny, fit inside mine. You're ours! It is also incredible to me that immediately upon entering this (probably somewhat scary) world, you trusted us so completely to care for you and love you. Thanks for loving us in return.
Of course we're proud of your 4-hour stretches of sleep at night, your adorable little smiles, and your head lifts. We love how calm you get when we cuddle, how much you like being close to Daddy in the Snugli, and the fact that you gained 13 ounces in 4 days (the pediatrician asked if we'd been feeding you hamburgers). Most of all, though, we're proud of your sweet spirit and are grateful for the love that you bring to our home. We love you, bud.