Seeing dear friends Max & Collin, and their beautiful boys. Attending Disneyland with them was a particular treat.
The bump on Max is sweet little tiny Samuel. I loved when people kept staring at her and saying, "Is that a baby in there??" Yes, yes that is a baby. No, it is not some extraordinarily abnormal growth.
Going to Diddy Riese. Dan ate 3 ice cream sandwiches.
Attending an amazing jazz concert in the park in Coronado.
Eating delicious breakfasts in our adorable B&B and managing some pretty great dinners, too.
Attending a phenomenal concert in Balboa Park with the world's largest outdoor organ.
Seeing my delightful cousins.
Attending the San Diego temple and visiting beautiful La Jolla.
All in all, it was a delightful and relaxing trip, aside from the harrowing trip home...I hate airports. It's also good to be back and to have license to make things like this:
Yes, the ice cream was also homemade, and yes, despite its ease, I did inexplicably feel like a domestic goddess, thank you for asking.
Needless to say, we're excited to spend the rest of the summer exploring and staycationing in DC.