Seeing dear friends Max & Collin, and their beautiful boys. Attending Disneyland with them was a particular treat.
The bump on Max is sweet little tiny Samuel. I loved when people kept staring at her and saying, "Is that a baby in there??" Yes, yes that is a baby. No, it is not some extraordinarily abnormal growth.
Going to Diddy Riese. Dan ate 3 ice cream sandwiches.
Attending an amazing jazz concert in the park in Coronado.
Eating delicious breakfasts in our adorable B&B and managing some pretty great dinners, too.
Attending a phenomenal concert in Balboa Park with the world's largest outdoor organ.
Seeing my delightful cousins.
Attending the San Diego temple and visiting beautiful La Jolla.
All in all, it was a delightful and relaxing trip, aside from the harrowing trip home...I hate airports. It's also good to be back and to have license to make things like this:
Yes, the ice cream was also homemade, and yes, despite its ease, I did inexplicably feel like a domestic goddess, thank you for asking.
Needless to say, we're excited to spend the rest of the summer exploring and staycationing in DC.
Babymoon... ha! Love it!
Bullet points for bullet points!
* Is that scrambled eggs with the ice cream and strawberries? It can't possibly be, but I can't think of anything else right now. Or maybe cauliflower...
* Your quiche looks oh, so delectable. Really. I want to go to there.
* We had an amazing time with you guys, too! We're so glad you were able to visit during your trip. Here's to hoping we get a little vacation out to your neck of the woods sometime in the not-too-distant future.
Wow what a great trip. It looks like so much fun. :) Don't you love the Newport Beach Temple. It was the first small temple I had been to and I could not believe how small it really was, but gorgeous. :) Glad you guys got a fun trip in before the baby. :) Trips just get more fun from here on out...just extra bodies. :)
Max - nope, it's shortcake. :) Eggs certainly would've been interesting! Also the tart is phenomenal and also easy. In case you're interested:
Shut up when were you in Disneyland?!!! We just went last week too!!! WHY DIDN'T I KNOW YOU WERE THERE?!!!
You must immediately give me the recipe for that strawberry shortcake and ice cream picture. I want it. Oh goodness.
Natalie - they were pretty awesome, I must say. Let me know if you make them!
Strawberry shortcakes:
Strawberry ice cream:
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