Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tudo passa... Até uva passa!

Dan and I have been best friends since high school. Nerdily enough, we started to become really close when we would go to our chem labs at the University of Utah together. We had many a Tuesday evening in which we'd twirl our safety goggle straps and gaze into one another's eyeballs and talk until 11pm and my family would wonder how my chemistry lab could possibly take so long. Let's just say I was extraordinarily studious.

Since then, we've gone through periods of time in which we were totally into each other, totally actively not into each other, into other people, pretending to not be into each other, etc. Some time after we had begun dating again (early last October), we took a trip to Utah. We had begun to contemplate marriage. We went to the temple in Salt Lake and it was wonderful, and began to confirm what we were feeling.

But it wasn't until the flight home to Philly that I knew for sure I wanted to marry this guy. We were sitting and chatting the entire way (Really, I absolutely adore traveling with him. It's one of my favorite things to do. We're fortunate that we enjoy doing that, even when traveling can be stressful.) and then for some reason he started telling me about this random Brazilian phrase, "Tudo passa... Até uva passa!" He said it and I am not even kidding, started giggling like a schoolgirl. He just thought it was the funniest thing in the world. He tried to explain it to me, (Something about how everything passes with time, even grapes...). I think it has to do with some sort of Portuguese wordplay involving the process by which grapes become raisins. I still don't totally get it, and I only lauged because he was SO amused by it.

Before Dan left on his mission, but after he'd gotten his call to Brasil, he was in this stage of knowing what was going to happen next and just wanting it to be there already, but having to wait still. That's kind of how we both feel right now. We love school and work and being engaged and Relief Society and all kinds of other wonderful things right now. But we're also sort of ready for the wedding to be here and to move on with this next exciting and wonderful stage of our lives and be done with presentations and exams and conferences and other great and fun things. So, Danny, just remember, "Tudo passa... Até uva passa!" I'm excited for the next 6 weeks, and forever after.


Becca said...

i. love. this.

partially because you're adorable and i love your story, and partially because you had a quote in portuguese. :)

yay brasil. yay wedding.

whitney.evan said...

i love you! you are so cute! yeah for you getting married!

Anna Page Photography said...

Guess I'll know what to say to you guys on the wedding day to make you laugh for pictures ;)

Preethi said...

Thanks, guys. And Anna, you probably wouldn't be able to finish shooting because Dan would fall over and die. From laughter. :)

Alex said...

Preethi-you are so cute. What a fun post to read. We are so excited for you. See you in six weeks!

Dr. LaRisse Skene said...

I can't wait for you guys to get married either. Feel like its been FOREVER!!!! YAY team Harbuck :) Are you guys getting married in DC, Utah...Send me your address so I can send you a wedding gift xoxoxo

Dr. LaRisse Skene said...

I can't wait for you guys to get married either. Feel like its been FOREVER!!!! YAY team Harbuck :) Are you guys getting married in DC, Utah...Send me your address so I can send you a wedding gift xoxoxo