Monday, November 3, 2008

Very Interesting

Ready, set, vote!


Natalie said...

LOVE that article. :)

Preethi said...

Natalie, I thought specifically of you when I read it and was going to email it to you. Glad you read it already. :)

Zack said...

Marlin Jensen has long been a hero of mine.
1) How cool a name is Marlin?
2) He knows his church history inside out.
3) He always sounds so thoughtful.
4) I remember reading this article years ago when it first came out.

yamsey said...

So cool! You know Mormons only turned republican in order to obtain statehoood. I don't remember the entire story exactly, but it was somethingalong those lines. I honestly think that if more Utah Mormons spent some time in the big cities, where Republican ideologies have seriously detrimental effects, they would be more inclined to vote democrat. But maybe that is just me...