Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Dear Ya,
I've missed you a lot the last couple of days! I assumed I would only have to wait a few more days, but ma says I might have to wait a little longer than that. She said 10 months...but that feels like an eternity to me because, well, it kind of has been for me. In any case, I've been faithfully thinking of you and often imagine playing tug-of-war and pulling your nice long hair.

(Also, I don't know if I've ever told you, but thanks for letting me call you "ya." Makes things much easier on my end.)
Much as I enjoyed those things, I really just liked hanging out with you this summer. I won't lie, I was a little nervous when you first tried to hold me, but I'm glad we got to be best of friends. I loved going to museums and that cool place where you can watch all the airplanes, although I was sad that I had to leave you least there was that cool bottle to distract me.Most of all, I loved our sleepovers and going to the park and reading books. You're so fun and I'm glad that we can be friends. Mom says that I can even see a moving picture of you on that cool box with the buttons I like to press, so I'm excited for that. I'll miss you a lot, and can't wait to see you again soon!


1 comment:

Priya said...

I never commented on this on your blog! But, this made me so happy I almost cried. I have far too many photos of him in my room, it is probably unfair given the length of time known to quantity of wall space earned ratio. Oh well.